Traffic = Revenue

We’re a team of digital marketing technicians who help you dominate competitors while generating more website traffic, calls, and leads.

  • When you hire us, you’re getting a fractional CMO for your business that handles all of your digital marketing & media buying.
  • We combine powerful SEO, PPC, and automation services that increase traffic, brand awareness, and sales opportunities in your local market and beyond.
man looking at laptop

Our Services

Finally, the creative digital marketing team you’ve always needed for your business.

No time? No team? Most business owners don’t have the time, team or knowledge to execute on the minimum viable things they should be doing online. Good news — we’ll do it all for you for an extremely affordable price. Here are just a few things we do each month for hundreds of clients across multiple industries:

Local Search Optimization

We perform several mission critical SEO optimizations to both your website and your Google Business Profile to help you show in more local searches.

Local Rank Tracking

Our in-house SEO software tracks the progress of your website and GBP listing to make sure your local rankings are improving.

Google Profile Optimization

Proper GBP setup is an important step in your local search rankings. We’ll audit your profile and make changes that move the needle.

Paid Ranking Campaigns

SEO is all about getting to the top of search results. But so is paid Google search ads. They both have the same objective, except ads work much faster & give you more flexibility.

Display Ad Campaigns

Along with our search campaign secret sauce, we’ll also create display ads that run on Facebook and/or Instagram, as well as Google’s display network.

Website Visitor Retargeting

Visitor retargeting is showing ads to people who’ve visited your website. It’s a huge component of how we deliver results and has proven to lower overall campaign costs.

Reputation Management

There are companies who charge $500/mo for “reputation management” alone, yet hardly do anything. We monitor your pages & GBP to prevent negative reviews.

Automation CRM Included

Maybe the coolest thing about LTM is we give you access to our own in-house automation CRM if you don’t have your own. This powerhouse tool replaces 30 other tools and closes more leads.

End-to-End Management

When you hire us, you’re hiring a virtual marketing assistant who manages everything from start to finish. We do all the heavy lifting for you. No need to hire other 3rd party agencies.

Our Digital Marketing Services

Generating leads is a game of generating traffic and brand awareness — period.

Leads don’t appear out of thin air. For there to be a lead, there needs to be a conversion. For there to be a conversion, there needs to be a click. For there to be a click, there needs to be an impression. For there to be an impression, there needs to be an optimized campaign. See how this works? There is a lot that goes into generating leads, but it all starts with traffic.

Complete Ad Account Setup With Ongoing Monitoring

We’ll set up & optimize all of your necessary ad accounts, pixels, and conversion tracking for both Facebook and Google Ad campaigns. Proper account & campaign structure is critical in running successful advertising campaigns.

graphic of account setup

Paid Google Search Ranking & Creative Brand Building Campaigns

We create laser focused digital campaigns that help you target the preferred demographics and niches that make you profitable. With the power of Google Search and Facebook, we can help you produce more targeted traffic that leads to more sales opportunities and calls.

Landing Page & Form Creation That Converts Traffic Into Leads

No need to worry about building out landing pages, forms, sourcing images, or anything else. Not only are we your technical marketing outlet, but we’re your in-house creative as well. We handle it all from copy, creative, and targeting. No extra add-on fees whatsoever.

Website & Google Core Web Vitals Optimizations For Better SEO

A lot of websites look “cool” or flashy, but under the hood, they’re a mess. Google wants cleanly coded sites that load fast, otherwise your rankings and conversions will suffer. That’s a fact. We build custom websites based on Google Core Web Vitals best practices to ensure your site is clean and loads lightening fast.

Out-rank Clueless Competitors

The reality is, most business owners don’t know how to advertise online…at all! You’ll have a competitive advantage from the minute you sign up with us.

Get More Calls & Website Leads

Websites don’t just magically pull people off the internet to buy stuff from you. You need traffic first! Our program delivers more traffic which results in more calls and leads.

More Returning Customers

Getting new customers is great, but keeping them coming back is even better. Our automation platform helps you manage customer relationships faster & easier than ever before.

Build Lasting Brand Awareness

When people know who you are, that is the single biggest lead generation mechanism in existence. But it takes time, and laser focused advertising to achieve. Don’t worry, we got you.

We help many different industries generate more opportunities online.

No matter what industry, vertical, or niche you’re in, Local Traffic Marketing will help you get more clients and customers — period.

  • Insurance Agents & Financial Planners
  • Attorneys & CPAs
  • Auto Repair & Maintenance
  • Contractors & Home Remodeling
  • Any Business That Needs More Customers


Real Feedback From LTM Clients

No fake reviews here…only real feedback from clients who have been with us for years.


Other questions you might have…

Please be sure to read these FAQs prior to booking any calls with us. This way we can use our time wisely and efficiently, thanks!

Yep, and we can help you set them up initially if they’re not already setup, not a problem.

Here’s what happens after you sign up:

1.) we schedule a Zoom call together to ensure your ad accounts are setup correctly & your Google My Business listing is properly claimed

2.) we show you how to allow us access to become managers/advertisers on your ad accounts and GMB

3.) we discuss your advertising game plan and what you want to target with your campaigns

4.) we begin building the campaigns within 24-48 hours of gaining access to your ad accounts (we are fast!)

As we stand here today, there is no hard/paper contract, but there is a 3 month minimum, and we bill up-front in 3-month increments. This means after your initial payment, we will not bill for another 90 days, and when we do bill, it will be for the next 90 days. Then 90 days from then, we will bill for another 90 days.

No, however, it makes things 1000x easier if you do. If your website is not with us, we will need access to create landing pages and/or install tracking scripts (unless you have a webmaster who can do these things for you/us).

If you’d like us to build or rebuild your site, let us know on the discovery call and we can discuss pricing & design options.

Your budget is determined by a few different variables, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Your budget is determined by:

1.) the size of your advertising radius — if you want to run a campaign to a national audience, its going to require a much higher budget than if you were going to run it to a 80 mile radius in your home town

2.) how many campaigns you want to run — each campaign is going to require its own budget. If you want to target 10 different things, thats 10 different campaigns

3.) how many keywords you’re bidding on and each keyword’s cost-per-click — if you want to target expensive keywords we can, just understand its going to cost more

We will help you determine the proper budget on your initial discovery call (before you sign up) so you know what to expect before signing up 🙂

In Google search, the keyword search volume determines the amount of clicks you might see each day/week/month. In other words, the more people search for what you are bidding on, the more clicks & leads you will get.

If you want to target something that doesn’t have a higher search volume, it’s going to take longer to drum up clicks and leads. This is something we’ll review on the initial discovery call with you so you know what to expect.

Bottom line is, it depends on what you are running ads for, but in general, Google search campaigns are going to work much faster than display ads (Facebook, Instagram).

Just like all businesses, and just like your own business, there are good customers and there are bad customers. A good customer for us, and someone who will have way more success advertising is someone who:

1.) uses automation to nurture incoming lead opportunities

2.) is good at follow-up and selling

3.) is patient and willing to let the campaigns work

4.) views advertising as a long-term investment, not a short-term strategy to generate quick leads

5.) understands the power of brand-awareness

6.) already has an established business & customer base

7.) is prepared to hire someone in their agency to handle their digital marketing initiatives

In the last FAQ, we explained the types of business owners & customers who will have more success with our program than others. In this FAQ, we’ll explain the types of people who should NOT sign up or book a call with us:

1.) you’re just starting out and have no customer base or revenue

2.) you’re on your last dollar and looking for something to save your business

3.) you’re inpatient and/or not willing to spend money

4.) you’re going to delegate leads to someone on your team who can’t sell or follow-up

5.) you have a very low revenue-per-customer

6.) you’re not good at sales and/or follow-up

Local Traffic Marketing is $600/mo, but billed in quarterly installments. That is our management fee to do all of the things we do, as well as your access to our automation CRM (which has a $300+/mo value by itself).

In other words, it costs $1800 every 3 months (as described above). Remember, you are hiring us as a virtual assistant. Compare 600/mo with what you would pay even just a part-time VA, and you’ll quickly realize the great value we bring.



The 600/mo is our management fee to do everything described on this website. If you are new to digital marketing, you may not know that the typical retainer/management fee that marketing agencies charge is at minimum $1000/mo.

We are well under the industry average in large part due to the fact that we do not mark our services up to cover the cost of out-sourcing things to other agencies. We do everything in-house ourselves, and thus can charge a much more competitive retainer.

**To determine your ad spend, you must schedule a discovery call with us first so we can figure out what you want to target and what the CPCs are.

If you’d like us to do SEO-ONLY services that do not include ad spend, that is $350/mo. Contact us for more details.

The process is simple, schedule a call with us, and we will provide you with the correct link to sign up online. We accept credit card payments only. We do not accept checks, money orders, gift cards or any other form of payment.
